Trimble Ag Software®: Combining three cutting-edge ag software platforms — Connected Farm™, Farm Works Software® and Agri-Data® Solutions — into one powerful end-to-end ag solution. This all-in-one tool offers customers a complete desktop, web-based and mobile-enabled agricultural software solution that simplifies farm data management to drive productivity, profitability and sustainability for farmers, crop advisors, ag retailers and food processors. Tracking field records, implementing precision ag practices and measuring ROI becomes simple and efficient, thanks to our industry leading mobile app.
For example, Farmer Solutions include:
Agreo© and Atland© are Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) that integrate all the activities of the farm (crops, vine, breeding). With them, you can manage your farm technical operations from seeding to harvest, forecast and control fertilisation, stocks or supplies, benefit from tools to help you respect the regulations or calculate margins. With their optional precision farming modules, which make Atland and Agreo the first FMIS to be compatible with ISOXML in France, you can also easily exchange data with your tractor’s display:
Tailored data management solutions for any operation
With Topcon SGIS agronomy software, users can efficiently and effectively offer multi-product and variable-rate plans that are customized to growers’ local conditions and requirements. SGIS software guides agronomic and economic recomenndations – and more profitable crop production decisions. SGIS data management solutions now include SGISfarm, for farm owner and operators, SGISpro for the professional agronomist; and SGISenterprise, which provides precision data management in multi-user environments.
SGISfarm – Simple-to-use data management for farm owners and operators
Ideal for the professional farmer, SGISfarm features an easy-to-use process to streamline the creation of flat and variable rate maps without sacrificing quality or accuracy. This process is focused on proven recommendation methods that are pre-packaged in readily available templates to eliminate the complex process of equation creation. SGISfarm imports and manages all types of data that are critical to a successful farming operation. Data types include: soil test, yield and as-applied data as well as crop sensor, soils and topography information.
SGISpro – Data management and analysis for the professional agronomist
Tailor-made for the co-op, agronomist, or technology-minded farmer, SGISpro builds on the functionality of SGISfarm by adding-in many powerful analysis tools that can be used to highlight the relationships between yields, soil testing information and application data. SGISpro users can efficiently offer multi-product and VRT plans customized to suit growers’ exact requirements and demands. It features an industry-exclusive process for tailoring variable rate applications to include local requirements as well as customers’ specific requests.
SGISenterprise – Streamlining collaboration between multiple SGIS users
SGISenterprise opens-up a new range of possibilities for interconnectedness between the farmer and agronomist. SGISfarm and SGISpro users can collaborate and access the same database. This means that a Pro user can manage multiple Farm users and access all of their data. At the same time, producers can be limited to only viewing data that is pertinent to their operation. What sets Topcon apart is that we provide users the opportunity to maintain full control and access to their data – it is not uploaded to a remote server but is stored on a local server at the customer’s location.
Market-leading software in the UK and Ireland, Gatekeeper provides growers and advisors with a complete crop recording and precision farming solution.
It manages full crop compliance and traceability requirements whilst providing detailed reporting on the cost of production down to a variety and field level to ensure you are making the best decisions for you and your farm. When integrating with advisors and in-cab control displays, Gatekeeper comes into its own providing a vital integrated hub for the data and information on farm. Precision Farming data can be viewed and interrogated alongside the crop records. Data transfer between Gatekeeper and your machine reduces manual data entry, inaccuracies and time delays. Pesticide and Nutrient Management verification is also available.
365FarmNet – The digital solution for agricultural holdings
365FarmNet is Europe’s largest, multi award-winning cloud-based software for the entire farm management, independent of farm size and type of operation. The 365FarmNet platform is manufacturer-independent and cross-segmental and using partner Apps, covers all functions required for operational management. Starting with crop rotation planning through to harvest, including important topics like application of crop protectants and fertilisers, from field to farm, from documentation to operational analysis.
Our software and services for your success
Our leading, integrated management system provides an all-round package for professionals, including services such as grassland field card indexes, documentation tools, fertiliser regulations and pasture diaries. For livestock farmers we provide a cow planner, software for beef production and cow husbandry as well as a feed calculation and optimisation tool incl. integration with feed mixers.
When on the move, mobile recording is available via an APP and on-board computer. Other features provide machine integration and task management as well as a comprehensive success analysis and evaluation. The software is compatible with all known machine manufacturers.
AO Plants
We provide innovative software solutions for plant cultivation professionals, such as field card indexes, lease and area management, subarea management, stock administration and fertiliser planning.
AO Business
Maintain an overview even at peak season – whether it be concerning your invoicing, payroll accounting, financial accounting or strategic operational planning.
AO Apps
These innovative products aid you in optimising your agricultural tasks and can easily be synchronised with your AO Agrar Office software products.
CO.M.AG SRL è qui per servirvi con il pieno supporto di Kubota e la sua completa assistenza.
Dalla tecnologia intelligente ai servizi individuali, Kubota offre grandi
vantaggi che si completano a vicenda, dimostrando il nostro impegno a sostenervi
in tutte le vostre esigenze in materia di macchine per il Giardinaggio e l' Agricoltura.
Compilate il modulo e un esperto del nostro team vi contatterà a breve.